菲律賓駐華副代表Ms.Alice Pisveras致贈協會感謝狀

馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處台北貿易投資中心今(12/7)10:30於台北大直典華大唐昭和廳舉辦VIP luncheon感謝對台菲投資合作有貢献單位及人士,本會暨林理事長受邀参加並獲頒感謝狀。

菲律賓駐華副代表Ms.Alice Pisveras致詞中特別感謝冷鏈協会在今年BOI來訪及對菲冷鏈推廣上協助,期許能在未來有更進一步的發展。

可能是顯示的文字是「 PHILIPPINE TRADE & INVESTMENT CENTER ΤΑΙΡΕΙ eemeRpsesatv BAGONG HLIPINAS CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION This certificate is awarded to FREEZER LIN Chairman Taiwan Cold Chain Association For the excellent and unwavering support promoting trade and investment opportunities between Philippines Taiwan 2023 and making happen in the Philippines. Given day fDe Taipei City, Taiwan. ANTHONY RIVERA Trade Representative Director Commercial Affairs Philippine Trade and Investment Center Taipei ииwwии rилиwи SILVESTRE BELLO III Chairman Resident Representative Manila Economic and Cultural Office 」的圖像 可能是 12 個人和顯示的文字是「 GROUP PHOTO TAIPE 」的圖像

07 Dec 2023